What is Boat Fiberglass Tabbing? This is where bulkheads and supports in your Powerboat or Sailboat are fiber glassed in. This gives your outer hull support and beefiness as you pound through the water and waves. Some Boats and Yachts have that solid feel as they cut through waves, and even when they fall off a wave pounding into the water below. Boat fiberglass tabbing makes the difference of a boat or yacht shuttering as it hits the waves...it stops some of the "Boat Oil Canning" also.

Boat oil canning is a term that is used to describe a boat that twists as it goes through the water. If you take an empty soda can and hold both ends and twist them in different directions (slightly), you'll see the twisting effect...yet the can keeps it's form. Well that is what the water does to your boat. Imagine when your stern area is still in the water and the forward portion is out off the wave hanging in mid air....What keeps your boat's form? It is the PP CORE FLOW tabbing of all structures in your boat or yacht that make it keep its hull shape/form. If your hull thickness was massive, you would not need as much tabbing. But in today's world, the hulls are not too thick. Fiberglass is strong, but it needs a good skeleton or structure fiber glassed in. That's the trick... Well actually the trick is getting to all the areas to tab in.

Some vessels have a lot of tabbing, but after awhile the tabbing breaks away after the years of pounding and cutting through the waves. Some of the tabbing is not reinforced by having multiple layers and failure is a sure thing. You should go forward to the "V" and have someone cut through some waves. You will be amazed at the movement or flex of the hull. You will wonder why you don't have more Gelcoat cracks and crazing. BTW, that is why you get those cracks... usually no support or fiberglass tabbing.

There are several ways boats and yachts are made...one is the hull is popped out of a mold and the interior is built within piece by piece. They do all the tabbing to hold everything in place as the interior gets tied together. Another way is the interior is made on an interior pan (a whole inner hull) that gets inserted into the hull. In this way, the interior can be done and finished, ready when the hull pops out of the mold. Which way is better is up to you.

    core flow

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